Jada Pinkett Smith has launched a weekly Facebook Watch show called “Red Table Talk” with her daughter Willow Smith and her mother Adrienne Banfield-Norris. The series premiere on May 7, 2018 will be followed by new episodes on Mondays. In the show’s first episode, titled “Motherhood,” Will Smith’s first wife Sheree Fletcher, sits down with Pinkett Smith (Will Smith’s second wife) to discuss their blended family together in public for the first time, according to a Facebook press release. Banfield-Norris also “shares her personal story about giving birth to Jada at age 17, the same age her granddaughter Willow is today.”
Jada has starred in movies such as “Girls Trip” (2017) and “Set It Off” (1996). She met Smith when she auditioned for a guest role on his sitcom “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.” Jada and Will Smith have been married since 1997. Their son Jaden was born in 1998. Will Smith and Fletcher (formerly known as Sheree Zampino) were married in 1992 (the same year that their son Trey was born), and were divorced in 2005. Fletcher and her second ex-husband, former NFL player Terrell Fletcher, were married from 2007 to 2014.
Willow made her acting debut in 2007’s “I Am Legend,” starring her father. She then began a music career, for which she is best known for the platinum-selling single “Whip My Hair,” which reached No. 11 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart in 2010. Her second album, “The 1st,” was released in October 2017.
Petcube has announced a major iOS update to its popular Petcube App, integrating Facebook Live, so people can livestream pets to their personal Facebook page. According to a Pehe same update will be coming later to Android. Petcube makes the best-selling interactive pet cameras Petcube Play and Petcube Camera and the forthcoming Petcube Bites treat cam. With the Petcube App, people can join a community of pet lovers and also play with publicly shared pets.
The San Francisco based technology company is in Austin co-hosting a “future of pet care” event called Pet Rescue Lounge, in partnership with innovative pet care brands Whistle, DogVacay and Luuup, inviting pet-loving SXSW attendees and Austinites. At the event, Petcube will be demoing the Facebook Live integration by broadcasting a live adoption of puppies and kittens in partnership with local rescue organizations, Austin Humane Society and Texas Humane Heroes. Together with its co-host partners, Petcube will be broadcasting live from different locations, including special appearances on the green carpet by famed pet celebrities Manny the Frenchie and Moshow the cat rapper. A portion of every sale with the code PETRESCUE at Petcube.com, Whistle.com, Luuup.com and DogVacay.com will be donated to Austin rescue groups.
With a commitment to reimagining pet care, Petcube continues to drive innovation in the Connected Pet space and is gearing up for the forthcoming commercial release of its interactive treat cam, Petcube Bites. Petcube Bites, now open for pre-order, will be the most advanced treat-flinging cam on the market, with 1080p HD video, night vision, video cloud recording, sound and motion alerts, two-way audio, the ability to remotely fling treats varying distances, a built-in container that will hold up to two pounds of treats, and automatic treat reorder support.
Petcube has also announced a strategic brand partnership with Wellness, the leading natural pet food brand and maker of popular Wellness dog and cat treats, to provide healthy treat samples for the Petcube Bites treat cam. The collaboration will feature Wellness treats that enhance the treating experience with the Petcube Bites cam. Owners will always have the flexibility to buy their preferred treat brands and products compatible with the Petcube Bites device.
Petcube Bites is available for pre-order on Petcube.com, Amazon, and Best Buy and will start rolling out commercially in early summer. With the opening of pre-orders for a limited time, Petcube Bites will be available at $199, or $50 off the retail price. The MSRP for Petcube Bites is $249 and Petcube Play is $199. Currently, Petcube Play is $149 through March 18, 2017, as part of a spring sale promotion. All Petcube devices come in three colors: carbon black, matte silver and rose gold.
Petcube’s camera product lineup supports on-the-go pet care and home security with the popular cloud recording service Petcube Care, which provides a 24/7 video timeline, sound and motion triggered recording and alerts, and up to 30 days of history. Owners can test drive the service with a 30-day trial that comes automatically with each device purchase.