Review: ‘Albany Road,’ starring Renée Elise Goldsberry, Lynn Whitfield, J. Alphonse Nicholson, Lisa Arrindell, Gary Dourdan, Joe Holt and Rachel Nicks

November 15, 2024

by Carla Hay

Lynn Whitfield and Renée Elise Goldsberry in “Albany Road” (Photo courtesy of Faith Filmworks)

“Albany Road”

Directed by Christine Swanson

Culture Representation: Taking place in New York, Pennsylvania, and Washington, D.C., the dramatic film “Albany Road” features a predominantly African American cast of characters (with some white people and Asians) representing the working-class, middle-class and wealthy.

Culture Clash: During a snowstorm, an ambitious advertising executive gets stuck on a road trip with her ex-fiancé’s demanding and meddling mother. 

Culture Audience: “Albany Road” will appeal primarily to people fans of the movie’s headliners and dramas with realistic issues about families, friendships and romantic relationships.

Filled with vibrant and realistic performances, “Albany Road” takes viewers on a roller coaster of emotions in this drama about an ad executive forced to go on a trip with the mother of her ex-fiancé. On this unexpected journey, the two women are forced to confront mistakes they’ve made and whether or not to make life choices based on love or based on fear. The movie has the right of blend of heartwarming and heartbreaking moments, despite some occasional scenes that look like sitcom material.

Written and directed by Christine Swanson, “Albany Road” has it world premiere at the 2024 edition of Ebertfest in Chicago. It subsequently had screenings at the 2024 American Black Film Festival in Miami; the 2024 Martha’s Vineyard African American Film Festival (where “Albany Road” won the award for Best Feature Film); and the 2024 Urbanworld Film Festival in New York City. The movie admirably avoids a lot of movie/TV negative stereotypes of African American people who are gathered for certain occasions. For example, none of the characters in this movie is an ex-convict, a poverty-level single mother, or is struggling with being in an abusive relationship.

“Albany Road” begins by showing protagonist Celeste Simmons (played by Renée Elise Goldsberry)—a hard-working and intelligent advertising executive based in New York City—in a meeting with her boss Craig (played by Ben Rappaport), who is a partner in the firm where they work. The firm has a major presentation coming up for a very important potential client. Celeste agrees to take the lead on the presentation, which will take place in Washington, D.C., where Celeste used to live. Celeste will be assisted by a junior-level co-worker named Andrea (played by Lily Cowles). Celeste and Craig make a agreement that if she can get this important deal, she will be made a partner in the firm.

The movie then shows a flashback to when Celeste used to live in Washington, D.C., with her fiancé Kyle Henderson (played by J. Alphonse Nicholson), who’s a professor of molecular biology at Georgetown University. This flashback takes place during a time when Celeste had been offered a job at this advertising firm. Celeste and Kyle are both torn about what whether or not Kyle will move to New York City to be with Celeste. (“Albany Road” was actually filmed primarily in Champaign, Illinois.)

Adding to this dilemma, Celeste (who is in her 40s) knows that Kyle wants to have a family, and she fears that she might not be able to have the children that they both want. Celeste is an only child whose parents died in a car accident when Celeste was in college. In a tension-filled conversation in this flashback, Celeste says: “I don’t want to be the reason why you don’t have a family.” Kyle (who is also an only child) says, “I don’t want to be the reason why you don’t have a career.”

It’s soon revealed that Kyle decided to stay in Washington, D.C., which is why he and Celeste broke up. However, Kyle’s rude and meddling mother Paula Henderson (played by Lynn Whitfield) did something to sabotage the chances of Kyle moving to New York City. Kyle had been interviewing for a consulting job with Celeste’s new employer. Paula (who is a widow) pretended to be Kyle’s assistant and called the company to say that Kyle was no longer interested in the job. Paula wanted Kyle to stay in Washington because he was about two years away from getting tenure at George Washington University, and she thought it would be foolish of him to quit his Georgetown University job to move to New York City, where he would have less certain career prospects.

“Albany Road” (which is named after the road where Paula lives) takes place a little more than a year after the breakup. Celeste and Kyle haven’t seen or spoken to each other since they ended their relationship. And because “Albany Road” is a romantic drama, that’s about to change. For the past six months, Celeste has been dating an attentive and respectful suitor named Phil (played by Gary Dourdan), who obviously has stronger feelings for Celeste than she does for Phil. Celeste thinks Phil wants to rush their relationship into going to the next level when she’s not ready.

As fate would have it, a snowstorm has caused all flights to be cancelled on the day that Celeste needs to go to Washington, D.C., for her big presentation. Stranded at the airport, Celeste gets the last available rental car at the airport. But her car rental has to be cancelled because Celeste has an expired driver’s license.

Another customer is waiting behind Celeste at the car rental area, but Celeste doesn’t want to see and talk to this person because this next customer is Paula, who knows that Celeste dislikes her. Paula has a valid driver’s license, so Paula gets the last available rental car that Celeste wanted. With no other immediate options, Celeste reluctantly agrees to share the car ride with Paula, who makes Celeste drive for most of the trip.

The two women bicker a lot, of course, but two things happen on the road that change the course of the trip. First, Celeste accidentally hits and kills a mother deer on the road. This accident stalls the car because the deer’s dead body is in the way. Celeste and Paula have to work together to move the dead deer so the car can get moving again. This deer later becomes a symbol of moving forward during rough times.

Second, the women find out that all the nearest hotels and motels are booked up. Paula suggests they reverse and go back to Pennsylvania, where Paula has a friend named Carol (played by Lisa Arrindell), a New Age “earth mother” who owns an inn, where there is room for Paula and Celeste to stay. Paula rejects Celeste’s idea to sleep in the rental car because Paula says it would be too cold and took risky for their health.

At Carol’s place, Celeste is in for even more discomfort when she finds out that there are two other guests at the inn: Kyle and his current girlfriend Morgan (played by Rachel Nicks), who is more in love with Kyle than he is with her. Kyle and Morgan (who has a friendly personality) have been dating each other for about six months. Paula is also surprised because this is the first time that she’s met or heard of Morgan, because Paula has been somewhat estranged from Kyle, who has refused to talk about his love life to Paula ever since his breakup with Celeste.

During the course of this life-changing trip, secrets are revealed and long-simmering feelings come to the surface. “Albany Road” has several moments of comic relief, including a subplot about Carol’s farmer husband Billy (played by Joe Holt) having a secret business as a marijuana grower, who mostly has customers in Maryland, where cannabis/marijuana is legal for adult use. “Albany Road” has some scenes of certain people in the movie smoking marijuana and trying to hide it from other people.

“Albany Road” occasionally has very contrived moments where certain people show up in an “only in a movie” coincidence. However, the overall writing has sharp and authentic dialogues and situations that can be relatable to many audience members of many generations and backgrounds. Paula has one of the biggest secrets in this group of people gathered at the inn. Her secret, when revealed, changes the course and tone of the story.

Whitfield and Goldberry are a dynamic duo in portraying clashing personalities who somehow manage to find common ground because of their love for the same person. The supporting cast members give good performances, particularly Nicholson, Nicks and Dourdan, who are skilled at conveying the various conflicted feelings of being caught up in a love quadrangle. Holt and Arrindell admirably carry a lot of the comedic parts of the film.

“Albany Road” has some predictability, but other moments that are out-of-left-field surprises. One of the more unexpected parts of the movie is when a young married Amish couple named Obediah (played by Jake Ziman) and Rebecca (played by Madysen Frances), who are on a Rumspringa vacation, show up as inn guests when tensions at the inn are at their highest. Obediah and Rebecca are blissfully unaware of these tensions, which leads to some bittersweet scenes. Thanks to a talent cast and capable flmmaking “Albany Road” has a lot to offer to viewers who want to see a relationship drama that isn’t too soft and isn’t too hard but serves up just the right amount of relatable life experiences in a meaningful way.

Faith Filmworks released “Albany Road” in select U.S. cinemas on November 15, 2024.

Review: ‘The Retirement Plan’ (2023), starring Nicolas Cage, Ashley Greene, Ron Perlman, Jackie Earle Haley, Grace Byers, Ernie Hudson and Lynn Whitfield

September 19, 2023

by Carla Hay

Nicolas Cage in “The Retirement Plan” (Photo courtesy of Falling Forward Films)

“The Retirement Plan” (2023)

Directed by Tim Brown

Culture Representation: Taking place primarily in the Cayman Islands, the comedy action film “The Retirement Plan” has a white and African American cast of characters representing the working-class, and middle-class and wealthy.

Culture Clash: A seemingly mild-mannered retiree is really a former assassin for the U.S. government, and he has to rescue his granddaughter when she is kidnapped as part of an elaborate theft of a classified flash drive.

Culture Audience: “The Retirement Plan” will appeal primarily to people who are fans of star Nicolas Cage and Cage’s action movies that follow a familiar but tired formula.

Ronnie Hughes, Ashley Greene and Ron Perlman in “The Retirement Plan” (Photo courtesy of Falling Forward Films)

“The Retirement Plan” isn’t nearly as funny as it’s hyped up to be. Nicolas Cage portrays a world-weary ex-government assassin caught up in a hunt for a flash drive. He looks bored for at least half of this predictable action flick. Viewers will be bored too.

Written and directed by Tim Brown, “The Retirement Plan” certainly has a well-known cast that might attract viewers to this comedic action movie. However, the increasingly convoluted plot starts to wear thin, while the so-called jokes are very stale. If you think it’s hilarious to see Cage (or hs stunt double) running around in a bad wig in predictable chase and fight scenes, then “The Retirement Plan” might be your kind of movie.

“The Retirement Plan” has a story where several people are trying to get possession of the flash drive that has “powerful secrets” that can make people rich. The beginning of the movie shows three people stealing this flash drive and then getting shot at while making their getaway in a car. The three people are Ashley (played by Ashley Greene); her husband Jimmy (played by Jordan Johnson-Hinds); and Jimmy’s friend Mitch (played by Jerry Zavadlaw), who gets shot and dies as a result.

With Mitch dead, Ashley and Jimmy are now concerned for the safety of their daughter Sarah (played by Thalia Campbell), who’s about 11 or 12 years old. Jimmy tells Ashley to take Sarah to the Cayman Islands, where Ashley’s estranged, widower father Matt (played by Cage) is living as a retiree. “The Retirement Plan” was filmed on location in the Cayman Island. Jimmy is certain that no one will be looking for Ashley and Sarah in the Cayman Islands.

But there would be no “Retirement Plan” movie if Jimmy was right about Ashley and Sarah being safe in the Cayman Islands. A crime thug named Donnie (played by Jackie EarleHaley) is looking for the flash drive sends two of his goons—Bobo (played by Ron Perlman) and General (played by Ronnie Hughes)—to the Cayman Islands. Matt is about to get his life turned upside down.

Donnie has to answer to a crime boss named Hector Garcia (played by Grace Byers), who owns the flash drive and tells Donnie that Donnie has 24 hours to find the flash drive. And there are federal agents named Fitzsimmons (played by Joel David Moore) and Drisdale (played by Lynn Whitfield) who are also looking for the flash drive. Matt eventually finds out about the flash drive too. A running “joke” in the movie is that Matt is so behind-the-times, he keeps calling the flash drive a “disk.”

Ashley gets detained by Bobo and General on the way to the Cayman Islands, but Ashley anticipated this might happen and arranged for Sarah to take a separate plane trip by herself from Miami to the Cayman Islands. Sarah meets her grandfather Matt for the first time and has a lot of questions that he doesn’t really want to answer.

One thing that Sarah and Ashley eventually find out is that Matt is a former government assassin, who still has his combat skills. Predictably, Sarah gets kidnapped during this mess. Matt comes to the rescue and gets help from a pal named Joseph (played by Ernie Hudson), who also has combat skills. Many chase scenes and fight scenes ensue. The movie’s action scenes have slapstick tone that doesn’t work very well when the jokes in the movie fall flat. The acting performances in the movie are mostly unimpressive.

Most audiences already know that Cage has made a lot of bad movies in his career. “The Retirement Plan” isn’t the worst of Cage’s movies, because there are some moments in “The Retirement Plan” that can be considered entertaining to some viewers. However, these moments don’t add up to a completely enjoyable film. Instead on laughing at a lot of the intended comedy, many viewers will probably be cringing.

Falling Forward Films released “The Retirement Plan” in U.S. cinemas on September 15, 2023.

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