August 8, 2024
by Carla Hay

Directed by Eli Roth
Culture Representation: Taking place mostly on a planet called Pandora, the sci-fi/action film “Borderlands” (based on the video game of the same name) features a predominantly white cast of characters (with some black people and Latin people) portraying the various characters that are human or not human.
Culture Clash: A bounty hunter is tasked with finding the daughter of a ruthless business tycoon/weapons manufacturer because the daughter is believed to be the key to opening a vault that holds all-powerful secrets.
Culture Audience: “Borderlands” will appeal primarily to people are fans of the movie’s headliners and the video game on which the movie is based, but even the most die-hard fans will find it difficult to like this messy misfire.

“Borderlands” should be called “Bored and Bland” to describe this slipshod movie adaptation of the video game. It’s just a mishmash of mindless action scenes, annoying characters and shameless ripoffs of “Star Wars” and “Mad Max” movies. Cate Blanchett puts in some effort to be entertaining in leading a nearly all-star cast as the bounty hunter character Lilith. However, celebrity name recognition alone can’t save this lackluster flop.
Directed by Eli Roth (who co-wrote the abysmal “Borderlands” screenplay with Joe Crombie), “Borderlands” had a troubled production that required reshoots and multiple delays for the movie’s release. Those are never good signs for a movie. The end results prove that “Borderlands” was not worth the wait.
“Borderlands,” which has some voiceover narration from the Lilith character, begins with a rushed explanation that an alien race called Eridians ruled the universe but disappeared. The Eridians left behind their technology and a special Vault that holds Eridian secrets to control the universe. This unique Vault is on the planet of Pandora and can only be opened by the daughter of Erdia, a female leader of the Eridians.
Meanwhile, a bratty tween named Tiny Tina (played by Ariana Greenblatt) gets abducted by a fast-talking outlaw named Roland Greaves (played by Kevin Hart) and his gas-mask-wearing sidekick named Krieg (played by Florian Munteanu), who are both Vault Hunters. Krieg doesn’t really talk. He mostly grunts.
Lilith, who has a tough and jaded personality, is hanging out at her favorite bar on the planet Promethea when she is contacted by a ruthless business tycoon called Atlas (played by Edgar Ramírez), who hires her to find Tiny Tina on Pandora. Atlas is the leader of Atlas Corporation, which makes war weapons. Tiny Tina is believed to be the daughter of Eridia.
Lilith hates the idea of going to Pandora, which is the planet were she grew up. Multiple times throughout the movie, Lilith calls Pandora a “shithole”—and it’s not just because Pandora is a wasteland filled with garbage and sewage. Pandora also brings back bad memories for Lilith.
Flashbacks in the movie show that Pandora was invaded when Lilith (played by Riana Emma Balla) was a girl. Lilith’s single mother (played by Haley Bennett) did not escape the carnage and died. During the invasion massacre, Lilith’s mother frantically asked a neurotic scientist friend named Tannis (played by Jamie Leigh Curtis) to take care of Lilith, who was about 9 or 10 years old at the time. Tannis currently lives in Sanctuary City.
It doesn’t take long for Lilith to find Tiny Tina, who doesn’t want to go back home to Atlas. Tiny Tina’s family origins are purposely muddled to give her an air of mystery. It’s really just sloppy screenwriting. One minute, Tina says that she doesn’t have a father. Another minute, she’s describing Atlas as “my daddy.”
Lilith isn’t the only one looking for Tiny Tina. There’s an utterly generic character named Commander Knoxx (played by Janina Gavankar) of the Crimson Lance, a group of beings that are enemies of humans and have more powerful weapons than humans. (In the “Borderlands” video game, Commander Knoxx is male.) Instead of taking Tiny Tina back to Atlas, Lilith ends up trying to dodge being captured by Commander Knox and her army, who work for Atlas.
Roland and Krieg are determined to find the Vault, but there are three keys needed to open the Vault. Much of “Borderlands” is a race against time to find all three keys before Atlas and his allies can. Lilith gets caught up in this hunt because she doesn’t want the secrets of the Vault to end up in Atlas’ possession. Gina Gershon has a small role as Moxxi, the owner of a bar in Sanctuary City, who is a friendly acquaintance of Lilith.
Somewhere along the way, Lilith brings along Tannis (played by Jamie Leigh Curtis), who has a tense relationship with Lilith because Tannis didn’t follow through on the request of Lilith’s mother to take care of orphaned Lilith. Instead, Tannis left Lilith to be raised by other people. Even though Tannis expresses remorse, Lilith is still very bitter about this abandonment.
Also in this ragtag group is a talking robot named Claptrap (voiced by Jack Black), who is an inferior “Borderlands” combo version of the “Star Wars” robots C-3PO and R2-D2. Just like C-3PO in the “Star Wars” movies, Claptrap is a helpful talking android that seems constantly surprised by all the mayhem. And just like R2-D2 in the “Star Wars” movies, Claptrap rolls instead of walks and can transmit hologram images and messages. Claptrap has little of the charm of C-3PO and R2-D2 and mostly tells stale jokes.
The wasteland landscape of Pandora in “Borderlands” borrows heavily from the “Mad Max” movies. (“Borderlands” was filmed partially in Hungary.) And just like in the “Mad Max” movies, there’s a roving group of anarchic hoodlums that wear gas masks. The visual effects in “Borderlands” often look appallingly incomplete. There’s an action sequence toward the end of the movie where Lilith doesn’t look like a real person and looks like computer animation from a video game. It’s as if the “Borderlands” filmmakers didn’t bother to put the finishing touches on a template scene.
Blanchett tries to brings some charisma to Lilith, but she’s hampered by flat dialogue that ultimately makes Lilith a two-dimensional character. Roland is just another in a long list of Kevin Hart characters who are irritating chatterboxes. Tannis doesn’t do much except look confused or frightened and occasionally comes out of her out-of-place daze to think of a useful idea. Tiny Tina is just a tiresome and rude complainer who thinks she’s smarter than she really is. As for chief villain Atlas, he’s just shallow and boring.
Mostly, “Borderlands” just slogs along by going from one unimaginative scene to the next. The action scenes are extremely derivative. Even the supposedly “surprise” ending can easily be predicted because the movie drops some not-so-subtle clues. “Borderlands” is the type of disappointing dreck that tries to look very busy and bold when in it’s actually filmmaking that is very lazy and cowardly in how there wasn’t enough effort to make a creative and appealing movie.
Lionsgate will release “Borderlands” in U.S. cinemas on August 9, 2024. The movie will be released on digital and VOD on August 30, 2024.