Review: ‘TikTok Star Murders,’ starring Rachel Britt, Julia Stuntz, Kelsey Christensen, Cameron Jackson, Joni E. Johnston, Andrea Marks and Aleida Wahn

July 8, 2024

by Carla Hay

Rachel Britt in “TikTok Star Murders” (Photo courtesy of Peacock)

“TikTok Star Murders”

Culture Representation: The documentary film “TikTok Star Murders” features an Asian and white group of people discussing the case of former TikTok personality Ali Abulaban (who used the screen name JinnKid), who has been convicted of the 2021 murders of his wife Ana Abulaban and her friend Rayburn Barron.

Culture Clash: Ali Abulaban, an admitted cocaine addict, grew increasingly jealous, controlling and abusive of Ana, and he murdered her and Barron shortly after she separated from him and moved into another home.  

Culture Audience: “TikTok Star Murders” will appeal primarily to people who are interested in true crime documentaries, but this documentary fails at telling a well-rounded and well-researched story.

Louis “Louie” Marinari in “TikTok Star Murders” (Photo courtesy of Peacock)

“TikTok Star Murders” has a tabloid-like focus on the most sensationalistic aspects of this notorious case and leaves out many important facts. This documentary mostly ignores Rayburn Barron, the other victim in this double homicide. Almost nothing is told about Barron in the documentary, except that he was a friend of Ana Abulaban, and they were both murdered in the same apartment in San Diego on October 21, 2021.

Ana’s estranged husband Ali Abulaban (who was born in 1992) confessed to the murders but claimed Ana (who was 28 when she died) provoked him into killing her and 29-year-old Barron. Ana and Barron were both murdered by gun violence in the apartment where Ana had moved after separating from Ali. Despite Ali’s claims that this was a manslaughter “crime of passion,” he was convicted in 2024 of two counts of first-degree murder. “TikTok Star Murders” was released before Ali received his prison sentence.

There is no director listed for this documentary, but George Plamondon is credited as the executive producer/showrunner of “TikTok Star Murders.” Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson is an executive producer through his production company G-Unit Films & Television. “TikTok Star Murders” is very formulaic in how it’s formatted, from the ominous music to the re-enactments that are shown in slow-motion to increase the drama. The documentary claims to be about putting the focus on the victims, but Ana is the only murder victim in this double homicide who gets extensive commentary in this movie. Barron is mentioned only as an afterthought.

“TikTok Star Murders” tells a tragic tale that is unfortunately common in situations where domestic abuse turns into murder. Ali Abulaban (who used the screen name JinnKid) was born in New York City, and he was a rising star in social media, mainly because of his comedy skits and celebrity impersonations. Ali was obsessed with the 1983 film “Scarface,” starring Al Pacino as cocaine kingpin Tony Montana, so Ali’s impressions were mostly of Tony Montana. TikTok was the social media platform where Ali was the most popular.

Like many social media personalities, Ali was also an aspiring actor who wanted to break into movies and television. He also had a troubled past. Ali joined the U.S. Air Force in 2013. He was stationed in Okinawa, Japan, where several U.S. military bases are located. Ana and her parents, who are originally from the Philippines, were also living in Okinawa because her father was in the military. This military location is how Ali and Ani met and began dating each other.

Ali’s military career was ruined in 2015, when he was dishonorably discharged for assaulting a friend of Ana’s. The “TikTok Star Murders” documentary should have given further details about this early warning sign of Ali’s violence, but this documentary has no interest in investigative journalism. The only “exclusives” this shoddily made documentary has to offer are some previously unreleased home videos and text messages of Ali being verbally abusive to Ana.

The documentary retells facts that are already known: After Ali was ousted in disgrace from the U.S. Air Force in 2015, he moved back home with his family in Bristow, Virginia. It was during this time that he started making social media videos that would go viral. He eventually was able to make enough money from social media for it to be a full-time job for him.

While Ali was in Bristow after his military discharge, Ana had moved back with her family to the Philippines when she found out that she was pregnant. Ali and Ana’s daughter Amira was born in the Philippines in 2016. The decision was made for Ana and Amira to move to the U.S. when they could get visas, which happened when Amira was still an infant. Ali and Ana got married and settled in Bristow. For many years, they presented a public image of being a happy couple in love.

Many of Ana’s female friends who grew up on the same Okinawa military base were now living in San Diego. After visiting them in San Diego, Ana fell in love with the city’s lifestyle and convinced Ali to move to San Diego, where they lived in an apartment building. According to people interviewed in the documentary, Ali agreed to this relocation mainly because San Diego’s proximity to Los Angeles would make it easier for him to get jobs in Hollywood movies and TV shows, compared to if he had stayed in Virginia. Ali never got hired for any work in the Hollywood entertainment industry. He was stuck doing social media videos.

This documentary gives very few details about Ali’s family. The only family member of Ali’s who is interviewed in this documentary is Louis “Louie” Mariani, who says he is Ali’s cousin. Mariani is vague about the family and will only say that Ali’s parents are Middle Eastern and conservative religious Muslims. Mariani describes Ali as a non-religious free spirit who didn’t follow a lot of expected traditions because Ali wanted to pursue a creative profession in the arts.

Mariani comments, “I really feel like Ali was meant to be a star.” Mariani also says the obvious about this murder tragedy: “I feel like this whole situation has turned my whole life upside down, as well as turned our whole family’s life upside down.” The problem is that Mariani doesn’t give any details about how the family reacted when they found out that Ali was abusing Ana. He also doesn’t offer any information to explain if Ali came from an abusive home or not, since many abusers have abusive childhoods.

The only clue that this documentary offers about Ali’s family is a video clip of Ana calling Ali’s mother during an argument when Ali was insulting Ana mercilessly in their San Diego apartment. Ali, who was obsessed with recording many things in his life, actually recorded this video. By then, the marriage had fallen apart, and Ana was telling Ali that she was going to leave him because he was abusive to her and she didn’t love him anymore.

In the video, Ana tells Ali’s mother that Ali is high on cocaine again. Ali’s mother can be heard on the phone saying that Ana should leave Ali. Ali’s mother also says that Ana and Amira can come live with her. Ali can be heard cursing and shouting that Ana is just trying to humiliate him. Ana eventually confided to friends that Ali was physically abusing her, but she often downplayed or hid how long this abuse had been going on.

Ali’s cocaine addiction is mentioned many times in the documentary, although the documentary never bothers to say or find out when Ali began abusing cocaine. However, Mariani and some of Ana’s friends mention that Ali became obvious about his cocaine abuse when he started to become a social media star. The documentary has no information about whether or not Ali or anyone else in his life tried to get him professional rehab/recovery treatment for his addiction.

According to the stories told in this documentary, Ali liked to have a big plastic bag of cocaine with him. He would take out the bag (even in public places where strangers could see him) and snort cocaine from it. On a few occasions (as seen in the documentary), Ali snorted cocaine on camera during his livestreams. Many people in his audience gave encouraging comments when he snorted cocaine on camera because it fit his Tony Montana wannabe persona.

One of this documentary’s biggest failings is that it has no information about Ana’s family. This huge void of information becomes even more noticeable as her friends talk about all the indications they saw that Ana was being abused. When did Ana’s family find out that Ali was abusing Ana? What did Ana’s family do to try to help Ana? The documentary never bothers to answer those questions.

Even if no one in Ana’s family wanted to be interviewed, information about what her family did or didn’t do to help her is what a responsible documentary would have included if it really wanted to tell the whole story of this domestic violence victim who was murdered. Instead, the only people speaking for Ana’s perspective are three of her friends: Rachel Britt, Julia Stuntz and someone identified only as Kayla, who says she knew Ana since they were teenagers in Okinawa.

Ana’s friends describe Ana as someone who blossomed from being an awkward and nerdy teenager into a stunningly beautiful woman who looked like she could be a model. Ana had a positive, kind and upbeat personality. She was a devoted and loving mother to Amira. After Ana moved to San Diego, her friends say that Ana got more into the physical fitness lifestyle.

However, in hindsight, Ana was very skilled at hiding a lot of her unhappiness and the physical abuse that she got from Ali. Her friends say that the biggest red flags that Ali was an abuser was how controlling, jealous and possessive he would be about Ana. Ali usually got very angry if Ana received more attention than he did, if she spent time with another man (even though she was a faithful wife, by all accounts), or if another man complimented Ana on her beauty. Ali often wrongfully accused Ana of cheating on him, even though Ali was the one in the marriage who eventually cheated, according to Ana’s friends.

As seen in videos shown in the documentary, toward the end of the marriage, Ali was openly calling Ana a “bitch” and a “whore” in his social media posts. He presented a narrative that Ana was an ungrateful immigrant who used him so that she could move to the United States and get resident alien status by marrying him. Ali’s misogynistic rants were “liked” by many people in his audience. And when Ana went public on TikTok that she was leaving her abusive marriage, Ali flew into a rage.

“TikTok Star Murders” only identifies people from Ali’s and Ana’s personal lives by their first names only, even though the full names of Britt, Stuntz and Mariani aren’t a secret because they testified in Ali’s trial and/or they’ve given other interviews to media outlets that reported their first and last names. Therefore, it seems unnecessary and fake for the documentary to try to make it look like they’re protecting these people’s privacy.

The only interviewee whose identity is completely hidden in the documentary is a young man using the alias Lucifer, who says he was Ali’s TikTok moderator. Lucifer is interviewed in the shadows to hide what his face looks like. His voice also sounds like it could have have been altered to protect his privacy. Lucifer says that he wants to be anonymous because he keeps his TikTok life separate from his real life. The only other person who speaks for Ali is a woman identified only as Rain, who has nothing insightful to say because she admits she only interacted with Ali as an “online friend” and never met him in person.

Also interviewed in the documentary are some journalists and people in law enforcement. Andrea Marks covered the case as a writer/reporter for Rolling Stone. Kelsey Christensen (a reporter for KSWB-TV, the Fox affiliate in San Diego) interviewed Ali in jail not long after he was arrested for the murders in 2021. Also interviewed in the documentary are former San Diego police officer Cameron Jackson; clinical/forensic psychologist and private investigator Dr. Joni E. Johnston, who was not involved in this case; and attorney Aleida Wahn, who does not represent Ali or anyone from the victims’ families and who did not work on this case.

Johnston mostly talks about domestic abuse and what to do in seeing warning signs and how to seek help. Ana’s friends also make impactful comments about not being bystanders to abuse. Britt says, “I want people not to be silent. Your truth is who you are … We need to be the change we want for the world.”

“TikTok Star Murders” competently serves as a cautionary tale about domestic abuse escalating into murder. The documentary also points out that what is presented as “truth” on social media can often be deliberately false or misleading of what’s happening in real life. None of this is surprising news, and this documentary just lazily regurgitates other people’s reporting on this case.

The documentary is incomplete and sloppy in too many areas, particularly when it comes to omitting a lot of relevant details. It’s mentioned in the documentary that media coverage of this case hardly ever mentions murder victim Barron, but the documentary does the same thing by ignoring Barron’s life story. Viewers will have a lot of questions about him that this documentary never answers.

How incomplete and sloppy in this documentary? “TikTok Star Murders” also doesn’t mention that Ana was married to someone else before she married Ali. Her first husband Shawn Torres was also in the U.S. military and knew Ali when they were stationed in Okinawa. Torres testified for the prosecution in Ali’s trial. That information isn’t in this documentary either. Ultimately, “TikTok Star Murders” doesn’t do anything to distinguish itself from the cheap, quickly made true crime documentaries that are churned out in a tacky manner and are the equivalent of ambulance chasers.

Peacock premiered “TikTok Star Murders” on June 25, 2024.

2020 Comic-Con International in San Diego cancelled due to coronavirus pandemic; San Diego Comic-Con and WonderCon 2021 dates announced

April 17, 2020

by Carla Hay

After weeks of speculation about the fate of the 2020 edition of Comic-Con International (also known as San Diego Comic-Con) during the coronavirus pandemic, the event’s producers have finally announced what was widely expected: For the first time in San Diego Comic-Con’s 50-year history, the event has been cancelled. The event had been set for July 23 to July 26, 2020, with preview night taking place on July 22. Comic-Con International will return to San Diego from July 22 to July 25, 2021, with preview night taking place on July 21.

Comic-Con International, which has been a sold-out event every year for past several years, is one of the world’s largest fan conventions for sci-fi, fantasy, horror and action entertainment. An estimated 130,000 people attend each year.

In addition, Comic-Con International’s sister convention WonderCon (which takes place in Anaheim, California) has also been cancelled for 2020, with plans to return in 2021. WonderCon was originally set for April 10 to April 12, 2020 and was originally planned to be rescheduled in the summer of 2020.  The next WonderCon will now take place from March 26 to March 28, 2021.

Comic-Con International’s full programming lineup had not been announced at the time of the cancellation. However, many companies that make movies, TV shows, comic books and video games (which all provide the majority of the event’s biggest programming and much of its sponsorship) were not going to participate this year, due to many releases being postponed and productions being halted because of the coronavirus pandemic.

Furthermore, it is still uncertain when large gatherings will be approved in California. All indications are that ever since widespread U.S. shutdowns began taking place in March 2020, it might take months for things to go back to “normal,” depending on when there will be widespread testing and a vaccine for the coronavirus pandemic.

Here’s the full statement from Comic-Con International:

Comic-Con Announces Plans in Light of the Covid-19 Pandemic

The Current Situation Requires Exceptional Measures

For the first time in its 50-year history San Diego Comic Convention (SDCC), the organizers behind the annual pop culture celebration, announced today with deep regret that there will be no Comic-Con in 2020. The event will instead return to the San Diego Convention Center from July 22-25, 2021.

Recognizing that countless attendees save and plan for its conventions each year, and how many exhibitors and stakeholders rely upon its events for a major portion of their livelihood, they had hoped to delay this decision in anticipation that COVID-19 concerns might lessen by summer. Continuous monitoring of health advisories and recent statements by the Governor of California have made it clear that it would not be safe to move forward with plans for this year.

Similarly, WonderCon Anaheim, which was to have been held April 10-12, 2020 will return to the Anaheim Convention Center from March 26-28, 2021.

In addition to their conventions, Comic-Con has been planning a major renovation of Balboa Park’s Federal Building to be completed for the grand opening of the Comic-Con Museum in the summer of 2021. However, the COVID-19 situation has had an effect on those efforts as well. As such, they will be rephasing the Museum’s initially planned major renovations, but will not scale back the experience to be offered to visitors upon the Museum’s grand opening. They anticipate releasing building plans illustrating the Museum’s transformation and sharing more information about those efforts in the coming months.

SDCC also announced that individuals who purchased badges for Comic-Con 2020 will have the option to request a refund or transfer their badges to Comic-Con 2021. All 2020 badge holders will receive an email within the next week with instructions on how to request a refund. Exhibitors for Comic-Con 2020 will also have the option to request a refund or transfer their payments to Comic-Con 2021 and will also receive an email within the next week with instructions on how to process their request.

In the next few days onPeak, Comic-Con’s official hotel affiliate, will be canceling all hotel reservations and refunding all deposits made through them. There is no need for anyone who booked through onPeak to take any action, including trying to cancel their reservations online or contacting the company via phone as the process will be handled automatically. Those who booked rooms through onPeak will be notified when refunds have been completed.

“Extraordinary times require extraordinary measures and while we are saddened to take this action, we know it is the right decision,” said David Glanzer, spokesperson for the organization. “We eagerly look forward to the time when we can all meet again and share in the community we all love and enjoy.”

July 7, 2020 UPDATE:  Instead of an in-person event for the 2020 edition of Comic-Con, there will be a virtual online event called Comic-Con@Home, which will take place from July 22 to July 26, 2020. The Comic-Con International official site has more details.

2019 Comic-Con International: Fox Fan Fair makes its Comic-Con debut

July 11, 2019

The following is a press release from Fox:

FOX is going BIG in its return to San Diego Comic-Con! The inaugural FOX FAN FAIR 2019 is taking over two all-new activation spaces totaling over 24,000 square feet and located across from The New Children’s Museum (at West Island Ave. and Front Street). The network is highlighting its all-new FOX ANIMATION DOMINATION Sunday night block, featuring fun twists on popular amusement rides and games all themed to fan-favorite animated series, “The Simpsons,” “Family Guy” and “Bob’s Burgers” and all-new addition “Bless the Harts” Get ready for all the FREE festivities, including a massive 70-foot-tall Ferris wheel – the must-see attraction with spectacular views overlooking the convention center and San Diego skyline. Complete with an array of classic carnival games and competitions – including Water Gun Shoot Out, Sunday Slam, Super-Sized Stacking Tower, Giant Four-In-A-Row, Oversized Corn Hole and ANIDOM Bucket Ball – there also will be sharable AR experiences and a soft-serve ice cream truck providing sweet treats and water to keep fans of all ages cool. Fans also can pick up free limited-edition FOX ANIMATION DOMINATION gifts, including lanyards, sunstache glasses, collectible button series, bandanas and more. Follow @FOXTV to find out when cast members and producers from each of these shows will make in-person appearances at the experiences. Use #FOXSDCC to join the conversation.


Where: Children’s Museum Park & Children’s Park
200 W. Island Ave., San Diego, CA 92101
Cross streets at Front Street and West Island Ave.

When: Thursday, July 18 – Sunday, July 21

Hours: Thursday: Noon – 8:00 PM
Friday: 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Saturday: 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Sunday: 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM

*Note: From Thursday – Saturday, select activations at Children’s Park to close at 6:00 PM.


Drop by the FOX FAN FAIR space daily and earn limited-edition ANIMATION DOMINATION items. Giveaways are while supplies last and include lanyards, a collectible button series, bandanas and Sunstache character glasses.




BLESS THE HARTS 11:00 – 11:45 AM – Indigo Ballroom (Hilton Bayfront)

From the network that brought you the Simpsons, the Griffins and the Belchers, now comes the Harts!  FOX’s new half-hour animated comedy, “Bless the Harts,” features everyone’s new favorite good ol’ Southern family.

Meet hard-working Jenny Hart (Kristen Wiig), who supports her lottery scratcher-obsessed mother, Betty (Maya Rudolph), and her witty, creative daughter, Violet (Jillian Bell). With the help of her eternally optimistic, dreamer boyfriend, Wayne (Ike Barinholtz), they hope to one day achieve the American dream. They might struggle to make ends meet, but they’re already rich in friends, family and laughter. Don’t miss an exclusive first look into your next animation obsession with the executive producers, including Emmy Award winner Emily Spivey (“Wine Country,” “Parks and Recreation,” “Saturday Night Live”) and Academy Award winners Phil Lord and Christopher Miller (“Spiderman: Into the Spider-Verse,” “The LEGO Movie,” “21 Jump Street”), as well as the all-star cast behind the Harts!

BOB’S BURGERS 4:00 – 4:50 PM – Indigo Ballroom (Hilton Bayfront)

Always one of the most entertaining panels at Comic-Con, the Emmy Award-winning animated FOX series “Bob’s Burgers” returns to San Diego with a few surprises in store! Creator and executive producer Loren Bouchard and executive producer Nora Smith will break news about the upcoming season, and the always-entertaining cast, including H. Jon Benjamin, Dan Mintz, John Roberts, Kristen Schaal, Larry Murphy and Megan Mullally, will have you howling with laughter. Don’t miss never-before-seen footage, followed by a lively panel discussion and audience Q&A.


Acclaimed director and television star Fred Savage cannot wait a second longer to share the world of “The Flare,” the most mind-bending, thrilling, edge-of-your-seat sci-fi show never created. “The Flare,” based on TJ Whitford’s classic series of sci-fi novels, “The Moon is the Sun at Night,” not only sizzled its way into living rooms nationwide, but also inspired FOX to create its first ever after-show, “What Just Happened??! With Fred Savage.” Join Fred, alongside stars of “The Flare,” including Shiri Appleby (“Roswell”), Kevin Zegers (“Fear the Walking Dead”), and Tyler Ritter (“Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.”), as well as co-creators Matt Silverstein and Dave Jeser and director Jon Cassar (“24”), for a sneak-peek screening of the fourth episode of the after-show dedicated to exploring the fandom surrounding the “The Flare.”  The half-hour hybrid comedy/talk show airs Sundays (9:30-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. Screening to be followed by conversation moderated by Fred Savage and fan Q&A.

neXt 6:45 – 7:45 PM – Room 6DE

Catch the world premiere of “neXt,” a propulsive, fact-based thriller about the emergence of a rogue artificial intelligence that combines pulse-pounding action with an examination of how technology is invading our lives and transforming us in ways we don’t yet understand.  Coming to FOX in 2020, “neXt” stars John Slattery (“Mad Men”) as a Silicon Valley pioneer who teams with cybercrime agent Fernanda Andrade (“The First”), to fight a villain unlike anything we’ve ever seen. Panelists to include creator and executive producer Manny Coto (“24”), executive producers and directors John Requa and Glenn Ficarra (“This Is Us”), Fernanda Andrade, Michael Mosley (“Ozark”), Jason Butler Harner (“Ozark”) and Eve Harlow (“Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.”) for a moderated conversation and fan Q&A.  



THE SIMPSONS Noon – 12:45 PM – Ballroom 20

Get inside insights and secret tips on the upcoming and unprecedented 31st season from Matt Groening, Al Jean, Mike B Anderson, Stephanie Gillis and the voice of “Lisa Simpson” – and panel moderator – Yeardley Smith.  There WILL be freebies!

FAMILY GUY 1:40 – 2:15 PM – Ballroom 20

Join cast Seth MacFarlane, Alex Borstein, Mike Henry and executive producers Rich Appel, Alec Sulkin and Kara Vallow from FOX’s hit animated comedy, as FAMILY GUY celebrates its 20th anniversary!  Take a look back at some of the show’s favorite moments over the last 20 years, plus a special sneak peek at the hilarity and hi-jinx in the upcoming season!

THE ORVILLE 2:30 – 3:15 PM – Ballroom 20

From Emmy Award-winning executive producer and creator Seth MacFarlane, THE ORVILLE is back for Season Three and stopping in San Diego!  Join the full crew of the U.S.S. Orville: Seth MacFarlane, Adrianne Palicki, Penny Johnson Jerald, Scott Grimes, Peter Macon, Jessica Szohr, J Lee, Mark Jackson and Chad L. Coleman, as well as executive producers David A. Goodman, Jon Cassar and Brannon Braga, to get an exclusive look back at some of their favorite, never-before-seen moments from Season Two and a special sneak peek at the new and exciting missions in the upcoming third season!


Cast and Producers from many FOX series will be signing autographs throughout San Diego Comic-Con and exclusive show mini posters will be distributed from Booth #4229.

Signings include:

“Bless the Harts” Cast & Producers

“Bob’s Burgers” Cast & Producers

“What Just Happened??! With Fred Savage” Cast & Producers

“neXt” Cast & Producers

“The Simpsons” Cast & Producers

“Family Guy” Cast & Producers

“The Orville” Cast & Producers


Fans can also receive updated announcements and information from each panel, the press room and other activities throughout San Diego Comic-Con, by following these series and joining the conversation by using #FOXSDCC and other hashtags as noted below:


TWITTER (#Hashtag)



@BlessTheHartsFOX (#BlessTheHarts)



@BobsBurgersFOX (#BobsBurgers)



@WJHonFOX (#WhatJustHappened)



@neXtonFOX (#neXt)



@TheSimpsons (#TheSimpsons)





@FamilyGuyonFOX (#FamilyGuy)



@TheOrville (#TheOrville)


2019 Comic-Con International: Marvel Studios activities and exclusives

July 7, 2019

Marvel Studios president and producer Kevin Feige  and actor Tom Holland at 2016 Comic-Con International in San Diego. (Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for Disney)

Here are the Marvel Studios panels at 2019 Comic-Con International in San Diego. All descriptions are courtesy of Comic-Con International.

July 19, 2019

10:00 a.m. – 10:50 a.m.

Writing Avengers: Endgame
Screenwriters/producers Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely (Avengers: Endgame) chat with Backstory magazine’s ( publisher/editor-in-chief Jeff Goldsmith (The Q&A with Jeff Goldsmith Podcast) about what it took to plot, write, rewrite, and film both Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame as back-to-back productions for this historic wrap-up of the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s amazing 22-film journey. (Hall H, San Diego Convention Center)

11:00 a.m. – 11:50 a.m.

A Conversation with the Russo Brothers
For the Russo Brothers, Avengers: Endgame was the culmination of an unprecedented four-film, seven-year journey through the Marvel Cinematic Universe that has included some of the most iconic experiences in modern cinema. Come hear directors Joe and Anthony Russo reflect on Endgame and their epic road to it as they segue into life beyond Marvel with their new company, AGBO, which happens to include an exciting array of new and old creative friends. With AGBO, the Russo Brothers aim to nurture talent and create best-in-class content while keeping creative control fully in the hands of the artists. Moderated by Collider’s editor-in-chief Steven Weintraub. (Hall H, San Diego Convention Center)

July 20, 2019

5:15 p.m. – 6:45 p.m.

Marvel Studios
Marvel Studios president and producer Kevin Feige and surprise panelists provide an inside look at the ever-expanding Marvel Cinematic Universe. (Hall H, San Diego Convention Center)

2019 Comic-Con International: Amazon Prime Video activities and exclusives

June 6, 2019

The following are Amazon Prime Video’s activities and exclusives at 2019 Comic-Con International in San Diego. Panel descriptions are from Comic-Con International.

July 18, 2019


1:45 p.m. – 2:45 p.m. 

From acclaimed creators Kate Purdy and Raphael Bob-Waksberg (BoJack Horseman) comes “Undone,” a groundbreaking and genre-bending animated series about a young woman’s complex journey to unlock her past and solve the mystery of her father’s death. Alma Winograd-Diaz (Rosa Salazar) takes her mundane life one day at a time until a near-fatal accident induces visions of her late father, Jacob. Through these persistent visions, he urges her to tap into a mysterious ability that allows her to travel through space and time with the hopes of preventing his untimely death. This quest challenges Alma’s relationships and brings into question her mental well-being with those closest to her. Purdy and Bob-Waksberg serve as executive producers, along with Noel Bright, Steven A. Cohen, and Tommy Pallotta. Dutch artist and filmmaker Hisko Hulsing served as the series director and production designer. Panelists include: Rosa Salazar, Raphael Bob-Waksberg, Kate Purdy, and moderator Ben Travers. “Undone” is produced by Amazon Prime Video and Tornante Productions.  (Indigo Ballroom, Hilton San Diego Bayfront)

July 19, 2019

“The Boys”

3:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Based on The New York Times bestselling comic by Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson, “The Boys” is a fun and irreverent take on what happens when superheroes—who are as popular as celebrities, as influential as politicians, and as revered as Gods—abuse their superpowers rather than use them for good. It’s the powerless against the superpowerful as The Boys embark on a heroic quest to expose the truth about The Seven and Vought—the multi-billion-dollar conglomerate that manages these superheroes and covers up all of their dirty secrets. The series stars Karl Urban, Jack Quaid, Antony Starr, Erin Moriarty, Dominique McElligott, Jessie T. Usher, Laz Alonso, Chace Crawford, Tomer Capon, Karen Fukuhara, and Elisabeth Shue. The Boys is executive produced by Eric Kripke, Seth Rogen, Evan Goldberg, James Weaver, Neal H. Moritz, Pavun Shetty, and Ori Marmur, as well as Ken Levin and Jason Netter. Panelists include: Karl Urban, Jack Quaid, Antony Starr, Erin Moriarty, Laz Alonso, Chace Crawford, Tomer Capon, Karen Fukuhara; executive producer Eric Kripke, Seth Rogen, Jessie T. Usher, Elisabeth Shue, moderated by Aisha Tyler. Premiering July 26 on Amazon Prime Video, the eight-episode Amazon Original series is co-produced by Amazon Prime Video and Sony Pictures Television Studios with Point Grey Pictures, Kripke Enterprises, and Original Film.  (Ballroom 20, San Diego Convention Center)

“Carnival Row”

4:45 p.m. – 5:45 p.m. 

Set in a Victorian fantasy world filled with mythological immigrant creatures whose exotic homelands were invaded by the empires of man, Amazon Prime Video’s “Carnival Row” explores how this growing population struggles to coexist with humans—forbidden to live, love, or fly with freedom. But even in darkness, hope lives, as a human detective Rycroft Philostrate (Orlando Bloom) and a refugee faerie named Vignette Stonemoss (Cara Delevingne) rekindle a dangerous affair despite an increasingly intolerant society. This panel features a cast and executive producer discussion, exclusive sneak peeks, and audience Q&A. From Amazon Prime Video and Legendary Television “Carnival Row” is executive produced by Marc Guggenheim (Arrow, Eli Stone), René Echevarria (Star Trek, Teen Wolf, Castle, Medium), Jon Amiel (Outsiders), Orlando Bloom, and Travis Beacham (Pacific Rim, Clash of the Titans). Beacham’s “A Killing on Carnival Row,” on which the project is based, appeared on the very first installment of the Hollywood Blacklist in 2005. Panelists include: Orlando Bloom, Cara Delevingne, David Gyasi, Tamzin Merchant, Travis Beacham, and Marc Guggenheim, moderated by Tim Kash (IMDB). (Ballroom 20, San Diego Convention Center)

July 20, 2019

“The Expanse”

1:00 p.m. – 1:50 p.m. 

Calling all Earthers, Belters, and Martians, “The Expanse” is making its return to Comic-Con this summer! The series has had an incredible journey since San Diego last saw the Rocinante crew. They return with news from beyond the Ring Gate and from their new home-thanks to help from the fans-as an Amazon Prime Video series. Be the first to hear about what’s next for your favorite crew from the creatives and cast, and get an early look at what’s to come when season 4 drops on Prime Video later this year. The Hugo Award-winning series, based on the hugely popular science fiction novels, was developed and scripted by the Academy Award-nominated writing duo Mark Fergus and Hawk Ostby who executive produce season 4 along with Naren Shankar, Andrew Kosove, Broderick Johnson, Laura Lancaster, Sharon Hall, Sean Daniel, Jason Brown, Daniel Abraham, Ty Franck and Dan Nowak. Shankar serves as showrunner for season 4. Panelists include: Steven Strait, Wes Chatham, Shohreh Aghdashloo, Frankie Adams, Cas Anvar, Dominique Tipper, Naren Shankar, Ty Franck, Daniel Abraham, moderated by Kyle Hill (Nerdist). (Indigo Ballroom, Hilton San Diego Bayfront)

2019 Comic-Con International: CBS Television Studios activities and exclusives

July 1, 2019

“Star Trek: Discovery” (Photo courtesy of CBS)

The following is a press release from CBS Television Studios:

CBS Television Studios will kick off San Diego Comic-Con(R) with exclusive world premiere screenings of its new series EVIL for CBS and NANCY DREW for The CW on Thursday, July 18. As previously announced, cast and producers of STAR TREK: DISCOVERY, STAR TREK: LOWER DECKS and STAR TREK: PICARD will beam into HALL H for a first-ever “Star Trek” universe back-to-back panel block on Saturday, July 20.

DETAILS ON PANELS AND EVENTS (in chronological order):


“EVIL” EXCLUSIVE SCREENING AND PANEL 12:45-2:00 PM – EVIL is a psychological mystery that examines the origins of evil along the dividing line between science and religion. The series focuses on a skeptical female psychologist who joins a priest-in-training and a carpenter as they investigate the church’s backlog of unexplained mysteries, including supposed miracles, demonic possessions and hauntings. Their job is to assess if there’s a logical explanation or if something truly supernatural is at work. Please join series stars Katja Herbers, Mike Colter, Aasif Mandvi and Michael Emerson along with co-creators and executive producers Robert King and Michelle King for an exclusive sneak peek of the first episode followed by a panel discussion. Moderated by Lynette Rice from Entertainment Weekly. EVIL will air Thursdays this fall on CBS. Ballroom 20

“NANCY DREW” EXCLUSIVE SCREENING AND PANEL 2:00-3:15 PM – Nancy Drew is a brilliant teenaged detective whose sense of self had come from solving mysteries in her hometown of Horseshoe Bay, Maine – until her mother’s untimely death derails Nancy’s college plans. Devastated by her mother’s passing, Nancy swears off crime-solving, but when a socialite is murdered, Nancy finds herself embroiled in a ghostly murder investigation. A supernatural presence begins to haunt Nancy’s investigation, and she discovers that the current crime has an astonishing connection to the unsolved murder of a local girl. Whether the ghost is here to help or hinder Nancy remains to be seen, but one thing’s for sure: Nancy’s going to have to unravel the clues from both the living and the dead to solve the crimes. Please join series stars Kennedy McMann, Leah Lewis, Maddison Jaizani, Alex Saxon and Tunji Kasim, along with executive producers Noga Landau, Melinda Hsu-Taylor and Stephanie Savage for an exclusive sneak peek of the first episode followed by a panel discussion. Moderated by Damian Holbrook of TV Guide magazine. NANCY DREW will air Wednesdays this fall on The CW. Ballroom 20


“ENTER THE STAR TREK UNIVERSE” PANEL 11:30 AM -1:00 PM – Over 50 years ago, the world was first introduced to what would quickly become a cultural phenomenon for the ages. “Star Trek” broke barriers then and continues to do so now, inspiring people of all generations and walks of life with its celebration of cultural diversity, scientific exploration and the pursuit of uncharted frontiers. Today, the “Star Trek” universe continues to thrive, exploring all new missions for Starfleet. CBS All Access invites you to join the cast and producers of its hit series STAR TREK: DISCOVERY and be the first to hear about two new upcoming additions to the “Star Trek” universe: the highly anticipated new series STAR TREK: PICARD, starring Sir Patrick Stewart, and the animated series STAR TREK: LOWER DECKS. Hall H


“STAR TREK” UNIVERSE BOOTH: U.S.S. DISCOVERY TRANSPORTER EXPERIENCE AND “TREK” TALENT MEET-AND-GREETS – CBS All Access is bringing the “Star Trek” universe to the San Diego Comic-Con Exhibit Hall, Thursday, July 18 through Sunday, July 21, where fans are invited to step aboard the U.S.S. Discovery and travel to strange and distant lands through an immersive transporter experience. Fans will also have the opportunity to meet some of their favorite “Star Trek” talent in person with meet-and-greets in the booth (Booth #4237) on Saturday, July 20. Comic-Con badges are required for entry.

“STAR TREK” UNIVERSE EXCLUSIVE PINS – A number of exclusive, limited-quantity “Star Trek” pins will be available to fans during Comic-Con. All week long, a Starfleet Headquarters visitors badge will be available for those who visit and complete the “Star Trek” transporter experience on the show floor. On Saturday afternoon and Sunday, a limited quantity of pins featuring the debut of two characters from the upcoming CBS All Access animated show STAR TREK: LOWER DECKS will also be available from the “Star Trek” booth. At the “Jean-Luc Picard: The First Duty” museum experience at Michael J. Wolf Fine Arts, fans can get an exclusive replica pin of the Picard family crest as seen in STAR TREK: PICARD.

“JEAN-LUC PICARD: THE FIRST DUTY” EXHIBIT – In celebration of Patrick Stewart’s return to his iconic “Star Trek: The Next Generation” role, “Jean-Luc Picard: The First Duty” is a special exhibition showcasing original props, costumes and other artifacts tracing Picard’s life and Starfleet career. Items on display include his cherished Ressikan flute, the legendary Picard family album, his Starfleet uniforms, models of ships Picard captained, and all that remains of the “Borg Queen.” The gallery also features exclusive first looks at costumes and other items featured in the upcoming CBS All Access series STAR TREK: PICARD. Visitors will have the first chance to purchase exclusive STAR TREK: PICARD merchandise and opportunities for exclusive giveaways. The gallery is located at Michael J Wolf Fine Arts, 363 Fifth Ave., San Diego, Calif. 92101 and will be open Thursday, Friday and Saturday of Comic-Con from 11:00 AM until 9:00 PM and on Sunday from 11:00 AM until 5:00 PM.

COMIC-CON COMEDY SHUTTLE – CBS will offer complimentary rides throughout the Gaslamp District in branded shuttles. Featured shows will include the new fall comedies BOB [HEARTS] ABISHOLA, CAROL’S SECOND ACT and THE UNICORN. Trailers of the series will be screened for the passengers as well.

Additionally, EVIL will be offering festival-goers complimentary rides during the day throughout the Gaslamp District, while hosting “Frightseeing Tours” in the evenings in Old Town. Trailers of EVIL, a CBS original series, will be screened for the passengers, and brand ambassadors will distribute giveaways. Exclusive “Frightseeing Tours” will run Thursday and Friday nights for select fans.

STEP INTO THE “TWILIGHT ZONE” EXPERIENCE – From Thursday, July 18 to Sunday, July 21. Located in the Interactive Zone at Petco Park, fans will be transported into CBS All Access’ THE TWILIGHT ZONE as they enjoy an immersive experience not only of sight and sound, but of mind. Reserve FREE tickets at:

CARPOOL KARAOKE THE MIC – The Singing Machine launches CARPOOL KARAOKE THE MIC at San Diego Comic-Con from July 18 to July 21, 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM. Located in space “J” at the Interactive Zone at Petco Park, fans will be able to recreate the fun of James Corden’s wildly popular “Carpool Karaoke” segment and become the star of the car as they hop inside a branded Range Rover to sing along to their favorite songs. There will also be a daily CARPOOL KARAOKE THE MIC giveaway to a lucky fan that has posted their performance on social media.

CARPOOL KARAOKE THE MIC will be available for purchase with free direct-to-consumer shipping in the U.S., including a Carpool Karaoke Popsocket.

For live updates from the studio, follow us: #CBSTVStudios #SDCC Facebook: @CBSTelevisionStudios Twitter: @CBSTVStudios Instagram: @CBSTVStudios


2019 Comic-Con International: Conan O’Brien’s Team Coco announces lineup

July 1, 2019

Conan O'Brien
Conan O’Brien (Photo by Chris Haston/Bravo)

The following is a press release from TBS:

Team Coco is bringing Conan O’Brien’s unique brand of comedy back to San Diego with its successful daily pop-up comedy club Team Coco House open Thursday July 18th through Saturday July 20nd. Located at 401 G Street in the historic Gas Lamp District, Team Coco House will showcase a daily lineup of comics handpicked by Conan, podcasts, panels, trivia, giveaways, surprise appearances by friends of Team Coco, as well as O’Brien himself. This marks the third time Team Coco has run the successful comedy venue, with past appearances in San Diego and New York City.

Team Coco House will serve as a major comedy hub in San Diego, curating a fan-friendly space that will expand the overall CONAN experience at Comic-Con(R) International. Since its debut on TBS in 2010, CONAN has featured more stand-up performances than all other late-night shows. Continuing to build on the success of O’Brien’s live endeavors, including his headlining an international 19-city comedy tour, Team Coco House continues O’Brien’s goals of supporting live comedy and up-and-coming comics.

Team Coco House runs in conjunction with CONAN’s Comic-Con(R) International shows being taped at San Diego’s historic Spreckels Theatre on Wednesday, July 17 – Saturday, July 20.

Team Coco House will showcase many well-established Team Coco collaborators; Andy Richter will record his newly-launched podcast “The Three Questions with Andy Richter” live on Thursday 7/18 followed by Aparna Nancherla & Friends that evening. Rory Scovel will bring his unique voice to Team Coco House on Friday 7/19. Saturday 7/20 will feature a full day of Team Coco regulars kicking off with an exclusive table read and screening of Final Space with creator and star Olan Rogers. That evening, Ron Funches hits the stage followed by Moses Storm bringing his very popular Up & Up monthly series from Los Angeles to San Diego for a special show. Each day at Team Coco House, fans will be able to recharge at the “Team Coco Power Hour” presented by AT&T. Fans will have access to refreshments and phone chargers free of charge after a long day of lines and crowds that are physically and technologically draining. Every evening,Team Coco House will conclude with MIDNIGHT @ COCO’S, a chance for fans to mix and mingle and maybe even interact with a surprise bartender.

Over the three days, Team Coco House will feature appearances by Conan O’Brien, Rory Scovel, Aparna Nancherla, Ron Funches, Olan Rogers, Moses Storm, Flula Borg, Jenny Zigrino, Shane Torres, Rell Battle, Max Silvestri, Laurie Kilmartin, Andres du Bouchet, Brian Kiley, Levi MacDougall, Mike Sweeney, Jessie Gaskell, Aaron Bleyaert, Charla Lauriston, Gavin Matts, and more.

The full Team Coco House schedule is as follows:

Thursday 7/18
2:00 pm: Team Coco presents SUPERBOSS WITH AARON BLEYAERT
7:30 pm: Team Coco presents APARNA NANCHERLA & FRIENDS
10:00 pm: Team Coco presents CONAN’S WRITERS LIVE
12:00 am: Team Coco presents MIDNIGHT @ COCO’S

Friday 7/19
4:00 pm: SNICKERS(R) presents The ConanCon Trivia Challenge
7:30 pm: Team Coco presents TRIPLE HEADER STAND-UP
10:00 pm: Team Coco presents RORY SCOVEL
12:00 am: Team Coco presents MIDNIGHT @ COCO’S

Saturday 7/20
4:30 pm: Team Coco presents TRIPLE HEADER STAND-UP
8:00 pm: Team Coco presents RON FUNCHES
10:30 pm: Team Coco presents UP & UP WITH MOSES STORM
12:00 am: Team Coco presents MIDNIGHT @ COCO’S

Stay tuned for tickets and more information at:


TBS’ Emmy(R)-winning late-night series CONAN, hosted by Conan O’Brien, airs weeknights at 11 p.m. (ET/PT). The show is produced by Conaco LLC, with Jeff Ross serving as executive producer. Website: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: | YouTube:

About Team Coco

Conan O’Brien’s Team Coco is the fan-centric entity that serves as the show’s digital and social media hub. Team Coco is responsible for expanding the CONAN brand into additional content experiences across all screens, including digital and branded content, podcasting, mobile gaming, pay TV and live tours.

About TBS

TBS, a WarnerMedia Entertainment brand, is a top rated destination for entertainment among young adults and home to the most popular slate of original series on cable – Miracle Workers, CONAN, The Detour, Full Frontal with Samantha Bee, The Guest Book, The Last O.G., American Dad! and forthcoming new, comedy series Chad. Beginning in 2020, the network expands its programming with dramas including the eagerly anticipated, sci-fi thriller, Snowpiercer. TBS’ upcoming slate of premium, unscripted series include The Misery Index and live, multiplatform event Chasing the Cure. TBS’ line up also includes comedy hits like Family Guy, The Big Bang Theory, classic sitcom favorites Seinfeld and Friends, blockbuster movies and live event coverage of Major League Baseball, the NCAA Division I Men’s Basketball Championship and ELEAGUE, WarnerMedia’s eSports gaming competition. Website:

About WarnerMedia

WarnerMedia is a leading media and entertainment company that creates and distributes premium and popular content from a diverse array of talented storytellers and journalists to global audiences through its consumer brands including: HBO, Warner Bros., TNT, TBS, CNN, DC Entertainment, New Line, Cartoon Network, Adult Swim, Turner Classic Movies, truTV and others. WarnerMedia is part of AT&T Inc. (NYSE:T).

2019 Comic-Con International: Disney Television Studios activities and exclusives

July 1, 2019

The following is a press release from Disney Television Studios:

Disney Television Studios including Twentieth Century Fox Television, ABC Studios and Fox 21 Television Studios takes over the San Diego Comic-Con convention with stars and creators of 14 of its fan-favorite shows descending on the world-famous gathering next month. In addition to exclusive sneak peeks of its programs and panel discussions with the casts and creators, the studio will rotate producers and stars through the ABC and 20th Century Fox Television booths on the convention center floor for autograph signings and activities, including distribution of exclusive 2019 poster tubes, collectible mini-posters, premium giveaways and DVD sales.

Please note: Talent is subject to change.

Descriptions of panel sessions and screenings follow:


3:00 – 4:00 p.m.

EMERGENCE (Produced by ABC Studios) – Beyond explanation … beyond understanding … lies the truth. Join the cast and executive producers for a first look at the pilot episode of ABC’s new drama series “Emergence,” followed by an exciting panel discussion. This character-driven genre thriller follows a police chief who takes in a young child she finds near the site of a mysterious accident who has no memory of what has happened. The investigation draws her into a conspiracy larger than she ever imagined, and the child’s identity is at the center of it all. Executive producers Michele Fazekas and Tara Butters with cast members Allison Tolman, Donald Faison, Clancy Brown, Alexa Swinton, Owain Yeoman, Ashley Aufderheide, Robert Bailey Jr. and Zabryna Guevara will all be in attendance. (Indigo Ballroom)

3:30 – 4:30 p.m.

MARVEL’S AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D. (Produced by ABC Studios) –The cast and producers of “Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” will return to San Diego Comic-Con in epic fashion as they take over Hall H for the first time ever! Be the first to hear the scoop about the show-stopping conclusion for season six and what awaits in season seven of Marvel’s flagship television show. With your favorite stars in attendance, including Clark Gregg, Ming-Na Wen, Chloe Bennet, Elizabeth Henstridge, Iain De Caestecker, Henry Simmons, Natalia Cordova-Buckley and Jeff Ward, along with executive producers Maurissa Tancharoen, Jed Whedon, Jeff Bell and Jeph Loeb, this is a must-see panel to celebrate seven seasons with the world’s greatest fans! This action-packed series from ABC Studios and Marvel Television airs Fridays at 8/7c on ABC. (Hall H)
4:15 – 5:15 p.m.

STUMPTOWN (Produced by ABC Studios) – Based on the “Stumptown” graphic novel, ABC’s new drama series “Stumptown” follows Dex Parios (Cobie Smulders) – a strong, assertive and sharp-witted army veteran with a complicated love life, gambling debt and a brother to take care of in Portland, Oregon. Her military intelligence skills make her a great PI, but her unapologetic style puts her in the firing line of hardcore criminals and not quite in alliance with the police. Panelists include cast members Cobie Smulders, Jake Johnson, Michael Ealy, Camryn Manheim, Tantoo Cardinal, Cole Sibus and Adrian Martinez, with executive producer Jason Richman and “Stumptown” graphic novel author Greg Rucka. (Indigo Ballroom)


11:00 – 11:45 a.m.

BLESS THE HARTS (Produced by 20th Century Fox Television) – From the network that brought you the Simpsons, the Griffins and the Belchers now present the Harts! FOX’s new half-hour comedy, “Bless The Harts,” features your new favorite, good ol’ Southern family. Jenny Hart (Kristen Wiig) supports her lottery scratcher-obsessed mother, Betty (Maya Rudolph), and her witty, creative daughter, Violet (Jillian Bell). With the help of her eternally optimistic, dreamer boyfriend Wayne (Ike Barinholtz), they hope to one day achieve the American dream. While they are always struggling to make ends meet, they’re already rich in friends, family and laughter. Join us for an exclusive first look into your next animation obsession with executive producers, Emmy® Award winner Emily Spivey (“Wine Country,” “Parks and Recreation,” “Saturday Night Live”), and Academy Award® winners Phil Lord & Chris Miller (“Spiderman: Into the Spider-Verse,” “The Lego Movie,” “21 Jump Street”), and the all-star cast behind the Harts! (Indigo Ballroom)
3:00 – 3:45 p.m.

SOLAR OPPOSITES (Produced by 20th Century Fox Television) – From the minds behind “Rick and Morty” come “Solar Opposites,” a new animated series that follows a family of aliens “from a better world” who take refuge in middle America. Join Justin Roiland (“Rick and Morty”), Sean Giambrone (“The Goldbergs”) and Mary Mack (“Golan the Insatiable”), along with executive producers Mike McMahan (“Rick and Morty”) and Josh Bycel (“Happy Endings”), for an exclusive first look into the series premiering in 2020 on Hulu. (Indigo Ballroom)

4:00 – 4:50 p.m.

BOB’S BURGERS (Produced by 20th Century Fox Television) – Always one of the most entertaining panels at Comic-Con, the Emmy Award-winning animated FOX series “Bob’s Burgers” returns to San Diego with a few surprises in store! Creator and executive producer Loren Bouchard and executive producer Nora Smith will break news about the upcoming season, and the always entertaining cast including H. Jon Benjamin, Dan Mintz, John Roberts, Kristen Schaal, Larry Murphy and Megan Mullally will have you howling with laughter with never-before-seen footage, followed by a lively panel discussion and audience Q&A. (Indigo Ballroom)

5:30 – 6:30 p.m.

WHAT JUST HAPPENED??! WITH FRED SAVAGE (Produced by 20th Century Fox Television) – Acclaimed director and television star Fred Savage cannot wait a second longer to share the world of “The Flare,” the most mind-bending, thrilling, edge-of-your-seat sci-fi show never created. “The Flare,” based on TJ Whitford’s classic series of sci-fi novels, “The Moon is the Sun at Night” not only sizzled its way into living rooms nationwide but also inspired Fox to create its first-ever after-show, “What Just Happened??! With Fred Savage.” Join Fred, alongside stars of “The Flare,” Shiri Appleby (“Roswell”), Kevin Zegers (“Fear the Walking Dead”), Tyler Ritter (“Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.”), and co-creators Matt Silverstein and Dave Jeser and director Jon Cassar (“24”) to get a sneak-peek screening of the fourth episode of the after-show dedicated to exploring the fandom surrounding the “The Flare.” “What Just Happened??!,” Fred’s half-hour hybrid comedy/talk show, airs on FOX on Sunday nights. Screening to be followed by conversation moderated by Fred Savage and fan Q&A. (Room 6DE)

6:00 – 7:00 p.m.

THE ROOKIE (Produced by Entertainment One and ABC Studios) – Join series star and executive producer, Nathan Fillion, as he discusses his latest role as John Nolan on ABC’s high-action drama “The Rookie,” as production begins on its second season. Joining Nathan for this intimate conversation will be longtime friend and “The Rookie” showrunner, Alexi Hawley. The two collaborators will also reflect on Nathan’s overarching career, spanning from “Firefly” to Shakespeare, and now, playing the oldest rookie in the LAPD. (Horton Grand Theatre)

6:45 – 7:45 p.m.

NEXT (Produced by 20th Century Fox Television) – Join us for the world premiere of “neXt,” a propulsive, fact-based thriller about the emergence of a deadly, rogue artificial intelligence that combines pulse-pounding action with an examination of how technology is invading our lives and transforming us in ways we don’t yet understand. Coming to FOX in 2020, “neXt” stars John Slattery (“Mad Men”) as a Silicon Valley pioneer, who teams with cybercrime agent Fernanda Andrade (“The First”), to fight a villain unlike anything we’ve ever seen. Panelists to include creator and executive producer Manny Coto (“24”), executive producers and directors John Requa and Glenn Ficarra (“This Is Us”), Fernanda Andrade, Michael Mosley (“Ozark”), Jason Butler Harner (“Ozark”) and Eve Harlow (“Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.”) for a moderated conversation and fan Q&A. (Room 6DE)


12:00 – 12:45 p.m.

THE SIMPSONS (Produced by 20th Century Fox Television) – Now 30 years old and part of the mighty Disney empire, get inside insights and secret tips on the upcoming, brand-new season from Matt Groening, Al Jean, Mike B Anderson, Stephanie Gillis and the voice of Lisa Simpson and panel moderator, Yeardley Smith. There WILL be freebies! (Ballroom 20)

1:00 – 2:15 p.m.

AMERICAN DAD! and FAMILY GUY(Produced by 20th Century Fox Television) – It’s a Smith-family fun day with Hayley (Rachael MacFarlane), Steve (Scott Grimes), Klaus (Dee Bradley Baker) and Principal Lewis (Kevin Michael Richardson), plus executive producer and co-creator Matt Weitzman and producers Kara Vallow & Jeff Kauffmann who will treat “American Dad!” fans to a first look at scenes from all-new episodes coming soon to TBS … plus a few other surprises!
Join cast Seth MacFarlane, Alex Borstein, Mike Henry and executive producers Rich Appel, Alec Sulkin and Kara Vallow from FOX’s hit animated comedy “Family Guy” as we celebrate our 20th anniversary! We’ll take a look back at some of our favorite moments over the last 20 years, plus a special sneak peek at the hilarity and hi-jinx in the upcoming season! (Ballroom 20)

2:30 – 3:15 p.m.

THE ORVILLE (Produced by 20th Century Fox Television) – From Emmy Award-winning executive producer and creator Seth MacFarlane, “The Orville” is back for season three and stopping in San Diego! Join the full crew of the U.S.S. Orville: Seth MacFarlane, Adrianne Palicki, Penny Johnson Jerald, Scott Grimes, Peter Macon, Jessica Szohr, J Lee, Mark Jackson and Chad L. Coleman, and executive producers David A. Goodman, Jon Cassar and Brannon Braga to get an exclusive look back at some of our favorite, never-before-seen moments of season two and a special sneak peek at the new and exciting missions in the upcoming third season! (Ballroom 20)


1:00 – 2:00 p.m.

MAYANS M.C. (Produced by Fox 21 Television Studios) – “Mayans M.C.” is the next chapter in Kurt Sutter’s award-winning “Sons of Anarchy” saga. Set in a post-Jax Teller world, Ezekiel “EZ” Reyes is fresh out of prison and a prospect in the Mayans M.C. charter on the Cali/Mexi border. Come for an exclusive sneak peek at a scene from the upcoming season and a not-to-be-missed conversation with co-creator/executive producer/writer Kurt Sutter, co-creator/executive producer/writer/director Elgin James and executive producer/director Kevin Dowling, plus stars JD Pardo, Clayton Cardenas, Edward James Olmos, Sarah Bolger, Michael Irby, Carla Baratta, Antonio Jaramillo, Raoul Max Trujillo, Richard Cabral, Danny Pino, Emilio Rivera, Frankie Loyal, Joseph Lucero and Vincent Rocco Vargas discussing what to look forward to from season two. Moderator: Lynette Rice, Entertainment Weekly. (Hall H)

About Disney Television Studios
Disney Television Studios is a collection of studios comprised of 20th Century Fox Television, ABC Studios and Fox 21 Television Studios. DTS produces the most award-winning, culture-defining programming for all platforms including “This Is Us,” “Grey’s Anatomy,” “Homeland,” “Modern Family,” “black-ish,” “Fosse/Verdon,” “American Horror Story” and “Marvel’s Cloak & Dagger.” Disney Television Studios currently produces 69 series across 16 broadcast, cable, digital and international platforms. Its programming now reaches more than a billion people every day across the world; in as many as 180 countries, across six continents, in 30 different languages.

2019 Comic-Con International: Netflix activities and exclusives

July 1, 2019

The Witcher
“The Witcher” (Photo courtesy of Netflix)

The following is a combination of press releases from Netflix:

  • Netflix today launched official social handles for highly anticipated new series The Witcher, along with first looks at the three lead characters; Geralt (Henry Cavill), Yennefer (Anya Cholatra), and Ciri (Freya Allan). Fans can follow official show news on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter.
  • The series is headed to San Diego Comic Con with a panel at 2:15 PM on July 19 in Hall H. Moderated by accomplished actress and host and beloved sci-fi fan Yvette Nicole Brown (“Community,” “Mom”), the panel will include cast members Cavill, Chalotra, and Allan alongside showrunner Lauren Schmidt Hissrich. NX, the @netflix space for everything super, sci-fi, gaming, fantasy, anime, and beyond will be the place for fans to track all news on the series out of the convention on @NXonNetflix Twitter and Instagram handles.
  • Logline: Based on the best-selling fantasy series of books, The Witcher is an epic tale of fate and family. Geralt of Rivia, a solitary monster hunter, struggles to find his place in a world where people often prove more wicked than beasts. But when destiny hurtles him toward a powerful sorceress, and a young princess with a dangerous secret, the three must learn to navigate the increasingly volatile Continent together.
  • Henry Cavill (Mission Impossible – Fallout, Justice League) leads the cast of The Witcher saga, playing the role of Geralt of Rivia, alongside other main cast members, Anya Chalotra (The ABC Murders, Wanderlust) as Yennefer and Freya Allan (The War of the Worlds, Into The Badlands) as Ciri. Other previously announced cast include Jodhi May (Game of Thrones, Genius) as Calanthe, Björn Hlynur Haraldsson (Fortitude) as Eist, Adam Levy (Knightfall, Snatch) as Mousesack, MyAnna Buring (Ripper Street, Kill List) as Tissaia), Mimi Ndiweni (Black Earth Rising) as Fringilla, Therica Wilson-Read (Profile) as Sabrina, and Emma Appleton (The End of The F**king World) as Renfri, Eamon Farren (The ABC Murders, Twin Peaks) as Cahir, Joey Batey (Knightfall, Strike) as Jaskier, Lars Mikkelsen (House of Cards, Sherlock) as Stregobor, Royce Pierreson (Wanderlust, Judy) as Istredd, Maciej Musiał (1983) as Sir Lazlo, Wilson Radjou-Pujalte (Jamillah & Aladdin, Dickensian) as Dara, and Anna Shaffer (Harry Potter) as Triss.

Other Netflix panels at San Diego Comic-Con 2019:

July 18, 2019

12:30-1:30 p.m.

“The Order” 
Join the cast of Netflix’s “The Order” at their first ever San Diego Comic-Con appearance. Stars Jake Manley, Sarah Grey, Adam DiMarco, Devery Jacobs, Thomas Elms, Louriza Tronco and Katharine Isabelle will join series creator/showrunner Dennis Heaton, writer/EP Shelley Eriksen and executive producers Mike Frislev and Chad Oakes in a Q&A moderated by Bevin from Den of Geek. (Indigo Ballroom)

July 19, 2019

3:30-5:15 p.m.

“The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance” 
Netflix presents an exclusive sneak peek at the highly-anticipated fantasy series, “The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance,” based on Jim Henson’s groundbreaking 1982 feature film, “The Dark Crystal.” In this stunning new prequel, three Gelfling discover the horrifying secret behind the Skeksis’ power, and set out on an epic journey to ignite the fires of rebellion and save their world. Realized using classic puppetry with cutting edge visual effects, the cast and creators discuss all of your burning questions about bringing Thra to life. (Hall H)

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